Monday, February 27, 2012

Why Should You Be Happy Today?

Why Should You Be Happy Today?

by Gil Camporazo

Unwanted news all over the country
and in the world
Flooded every communication.
But the good news only few
know about it.

Problems of any kind
haunt every family, every community
And solutions are just
lurking somewhere waiting to be found.

Woes and worries
abounding everyone --
Good to bad, worse to worst
Unresolved yet still!

Therefore, you and I
and everybody know not well!
These dilemma be it personal
or communal
Are for refiner's fire --

Somewhere out there!
Stretching forth His open arms,
Willing to aid, to help
And lead you out from social quagmire.

Be thankful for He's there.
Be grateful for His love.
Be happy for you're heavenly,
spiritually taken care of...

(And your loving family is with you all the way)...

And besides --

It's your BIRTHDAY!

*(dedicated to one of my teachers in Cubay Elementary School, Mrs. Ofelia N. Ayungon, who is celebrating her 47th birthday, 27 February 2012)


  1. very thoughtful... i agree... there's a rainbow in every storm! God is alive! :) Happy Birthday po sa isa sa mga teacher nyo! :)

  2. Awww.. nice post! It is quite true.. despite the bad things that are happening in this world, there's always that 'good' thing that helps balance out life.. =) Happy Birthday to your co-teacher. =)

    1. Ma'm Ofelia Ayungon is one of my teachers in our school. I'm her school principal. She's not my co-teacher.

    2. oh, sorry about that. Just assumed that she was. =)

  3. Gift is a bonus. But the most important is the thoughts that counts most! :)

  4. we need to be grateful no matter how small or big we recieve

  5. happy birthday to her! thanks for sharing the happiness with us ;)

  6. sweet gesture. happy birthday teacher Ofelia. God bless you more...

  7. a poem is always an invaluable gift to a birthday celebrant!she is young to be your teacher though haha..good work Gil!

  8. wow! you're such a sweet Principal sir Gil!

    Happy birthday to your teacher!

  9. I agree!

    Everyone of us should be happy despite of problems and obstacles that comes to us. ^_^


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