Friday, May 24, 2019

Beatitude for the Lazy

Beatitude for the Lazy
by Gil Camporazo

1. Blessed who are born lazy for they do deserve to be living among us.
2. Blessed are they who don't work for they have the right to eat to survive.
3. Blessed are they who roam around doing nothing for they're taking care of.
4. Blessed are they who achieve nothing for his timidity for someone is looking after him.
5. Blessed are they who sleep all day long and treated well.
6. Blessed are they who fail to open his mouth for they've a spokesman in their behalf.
7. Blessed are they who are lazy for they are also human like us.
Blessed are they for they deserve to be loved.
8. Blessed are they for they should not be treated as an outcast of society.


N.B. - This is originally posted in my myLot article under the username, Dodoazo.

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